
Gifts For Cyclists

rawpixel / Unsplash Let’s face it: Cyclists can be some of the most difficult people to purchase gifts for. They probably already have a bike setup that they like, along with all the necessary accessories. They’ve probably told you that they don’t need anything, that everything on their bike is already perfect. So, what is a loved one to do? You’ve got to get creative! While you could spend hours on Etsy and Amazon finding the perfect gifts for cyclists, we’ve already compiled our favorites here! Read on to find memorable and thoughtful gifts for the cyclists who say they…

Protected Bike Lanes More Important In Cities With Snow Than In Warm Ones

While protected bike lanes seem like a bit of a no-brainer if one wants to spur greater bike use, there are pretty definitely some regions/circumstances where the gain to be had in ridership is greater than in others. Cold, snowy places, for instance. No matter how dangerous riding a bike amongst cars can be at the best of times, once ice and slush are added to the equation, it’s no surprise that many simply decide to leave their bikes at home during the winter and get in a car or take the bus. With protected, dedicated bike lanes or off-street…

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bike on car

Best Hitch Bike Rack

Whether you’re a casual trail rider or are preparing for your next race, everyone who…

Bikeshare Riders Cycle Safer

According to research conducted by Mineta Transportation Institute(MTI),  bikeshare riders are actually safer cyclists. A…

bike rack

Best Bike Stand

Liji Jinaraj / Flickr (Creative Commons) So, you need a way…

bike pedals

Best Bike Pedals

Maxi Corrado / Unsplash High-quality bike pedals are essential and give…

red bike seat

Best Bike Seats

Mitchel Lensink / Unsplash Bicycle seats, or saddles, are not known…

bike locked to post

Bike Locks

James Pond / Unsplash Whether you’re an avid mountain biker, a…