Well, you can of course ride your bike on a rainy day. I’ve done it many times. But if it’s a really rainy day, that’s not particularly fun for most of us, and also a bit more dangerous (as is driving, walking, and drifting…). We’ve been hit with some cold and rainy days recently in the midst of beautiful weather. If you’re in the same boat — surely you are from time to time if not now — here’s a list of 10 of my favorite things to do on a rainy day:
1. Meditate: There are probably thousands of forms of meditation out there, so this is sort of like saying “play.” For many of them, however, I think the quiet, peaceful atmosphere of a rainy day offers a nice opportunity to do a bit more meditation than normal.
2. Read a book: This is such an obvious one I almost skipped it, but it is a good one. Curling up with a book on the couch or in the bed while the raindrops hit the window sill is quite a unique thing to do. Something about the enclosed feeling that comes with the falling rain, just as it seems to encourage meditation, encourages one to dream and get lost in a story.
3. Watch a movie: In a similar vein, if you are more of the movie type when you are chilling out (ahem, that might be me), put a flick on and drift away into another land.
4. Make that fancy dish you’ve been dreaming about: While it’s sort of nice to chill out and curl up on a rainy day, sometimes that can also lead to feeling a little stir crazy. A nice active thing you can do while indoors for too long is dive into that complicated meal you’ve been planning to try cooking for the past few months (or years). Pull your ingredients together and go explore you cooking creativity in the kitchen. (Note: especially fun with a friend. Second note: make sure to cook an animal-friendly and climate-friendly vegan or vegetarian meal!)
5. Work out: Some people are accustomed to only working out in the gym. I’m the opposite. I love to work out in my own own (saves me time, which I seem to always be short on). There are hundreds of exercises you can do in the comfort of your own home. One fun one I like is going through a deck of cards and doing pushups for all the black ones (10 for a Jack, Queen, King; 11 for an Ace — but you can choose your own system, of course) and an ab exercise or squats for the red ones (doubling the numbers if you are quite fit).
6. Board games: Board games really don’t get enough love these days, imho. I love a good board game. Clue, one of my favorites, seems especially good for rainy weather for some reason. Pick your favorite, get some friends together beforehand if you can, and have some old-fashioned fun.
7. Call your mom. We should all call our moms more often.
8. Read more Bikocity! You know you want to.
9. Blog about biking: Biking deserves all the love it can get!
10. Forget it, just go bike in the rain!
Image Credits:
- Pensiero / Foter / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0);
- Catunes / Foter / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0);
- elana’s pantry / Foter / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
omg. that squash dish looks amaaaaazing! I must make it now. As soon as I get off the trainer…
so nice i love it