Bike Only Roads or Off-Road Paths
Out towards the suburbs.
Going under busy roads.
This one with speed bumps and a guy in a wheel chair as well (not uncommon, actually).
The path in the background of this picture used to be a road for cars, but was transformed into a bicycle/pedestrian path going through a fairly large and beautiful park. It gives a more direct connection between a main university area of the city and the city center to bicyclists and pedestrians rather than cars.
This is at the entrance to a bicycle path.
If the bike paths aren’t completely separate from the road, they are often separated by large medians, planters or parked cars.
Sometimes they are even above the level of the road.
Going through (or, actually, on the edge of) more parkland between the university and the city center.
As far as you need to go…
In the Country
There are great bike paths out into the country. Even many people living out in the country or at the edge of the city near the country use bicycles.
This is on the edge of a small bedroom community sort of out in the country. Many people still biked into the city from here, and you can see they still have the colored bike lanes!
Image Credits 1-6, 8-14, 16-19: Zachary Shahan
Image Credit 7: Janis Andins
Image Credit 15: Ladd Schiess