The Green Business Blog Carnival comes to EcoLocalizer! Following up on Green Business Blog Carnival post #17 on Cleantechnica (which featured a couple posts from EcoLocalizer), here’s the next edition of the Carnival for your reading pleasure.
- The first ride.. er, post of the day comes from Jeff McIntire-Strasburg, writing over on the SUNflitered blog. It was a post on a new clean transportation partnership between NuRide, a company that rewards people for making greener transportation choices, and the University of Virginia. Interesting partnership and, as a former Charlottesville resident, I’m especially curious to see how this turns out.
- Jeff also had a post over on sustainablog this week about an interesting and educational Earth Lunch Hour Day of Action hosted by Panasonic…. Yeah, Panasonic hosting a day of action around the topic of eating greener sounded strange to Jeff (and me) as well. Jeff concluded that this day of action (which was October 6) didn’t seem to be greenwashing but still asked if it was “marketing genius” or a “great big fail.” Good question. No matter what it was, I was happy to see Panasonic informing people about how they can eat greener and followed Jeff in writing about this over on our sister site, Eat.Drink…Better.
- David Wheat, writing over on Doc’s Green Blog, had an interesting piece this week on “dangerous interference” and “a very different Earth.” China’s surging growth and recent research results show that we have little, little hope of keeping global warming below 2 degrees C. Other research shows that the 2 degree target may have been
dangerously high in the first place. As a result, the UK environment minister recently stated that businessesmust plan to adapt to “inevitable” change. David asks: “Is it time to throw in the towel?” - I had a couple of green activism/business pieces over on Planetsave this week that I think are worth a share here as well…. One is on a push by world-leading activist organization Avaaz to get Swiss banking giant UBS to stop funding mountaintop removal coal mining (short story on that + petition opportunity over there) and another is on news of Monsanto hiring spies to infiltrate animal rights organizations (I guess that would fall under anti-green business).
- And, over on another sister site, Cleantechnica (yes, last week’s Green Business Blog Carnival host), I had a couple of posts on China’s clean energy growth (even into the US) and on Google investing in human-powered monorail systems from New Zealand. Clearly, I thought these were interesting stories worth a read.
That wraps up this week’s Green Business Blog Carnival. Hope you had some fun.
Be sure to check out the next edition of the Carnival next Friday on Doc’s Green Blog.
Cool green business stories are the fuel that burns this Carnival’s fire, so we’re always looking for good submissions for the Carnival. If you think you’ve got one, send it to us via the submission form on Triplepundit. Also, if you want to host the Carnival on your blog, check out the Carnival schedule and let us know if one of the open dates works for you!
Great post. Full of informative links. Thankyou very much!