Know when the first subway system was launched? And where? Tony Long of Wired does. He recently wrote an interesting post on the history of subway systems around the world, starting with a little bit on the first subway system, which was launched this month in 1863.
Here’s the intro:
1863: London inaugurates the world’s first subway service. Approximately 40,000 Londoners ride the trains the first day.
The original line ran from Paddington Station to Farringdon Street, via Edgware Road, Baker Street, Portland Road (now Great Portland Street), Gower Street (now Euston Square) and King’s Cross. The train took 18 minutes to make the 3¾-mile journey. By 1880 the line was carrying 40 million passengers a year.
Despite its success, it was not widely copied for more than three decades. The next metro subways to open were Budapest and Glasgow in 1896. Boston opened in 1897, Paris in 1900 and New York in 1904.
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Photo Credit: realSMILEY