Candy bikes
Pizza delivery bikes
If you liked this photo tour, you are sure to like the previous ones as well:
#3 Portland, Oregona (USA)
#4 Copenhagen (Denmark)
#5 Paris (France)
#6 Groningen (the Netherlands)
#7 Berlin (Germany)
#8 Barcelona (Spain)
#9 Bogota (Columbia)
#10 Basel (Switzerland)
And be sure not to miss the Top bicycle photo tour! Keep your eye on EcoWorldly or subscribe to its feed or email list to make sure you don’t miss it or other upcoming posts on bicycling and other great environmental topics. Have something extra to add? Comment below!
Image Credit 1: xiaming via flickr under a Creative Commons license
Image Credit 2: vfowler via flickr under a Creative Commons license
Image Credit 3: dbaron via flickr under a Creative Commons license
under obama you all will be riding bicycles soon
whaha that song is meant to lanterns, and no bicycles
Hi!I study industrial design at PUC-Rio University, in Brazil. I am graduating this year and my graduation project theme is about carrying things on the bike.
So, I would like to hear from you, who have experience in this subject, what do you think about racks, what works, what doesn’t work and why?
Your opinion would help me a lot!
thank you a lot!